ד"ר גדעון שושני רופא ומשפטן

ד"ר גדעון שושני הוא משפטן לנזקי גוף, שעד לאחרונה שימש כמנהל המחלקה לכירורגיית ילדים בבית החולים מאייר לילדים (בית החולים רמב"ם). המשפטן והרופא ד"ר שושני הוא מרצה בכיר בפקולטה לרפואה, בטכניון מאז שנת 1996. המשפטן ד"ר גדעון שושני הוא רופא בכיר ומתמחה בתחום כירורגיית ילדים מאז שנת 1986. חשוב לציין שד"ר גדעון שושני הוא גם מתמחה בכירורגיה כללית מאז שנת 1982. המשפטן לנזקי גוף והרופא ד"ר גדעון שושני עובד במרכז הרפואי רמב"ם החל משנת 1978.
המשפטן והרופא ד"ר שושני הוא גם בוגר הקורס לחוות דעת עדים מומחים במכון הישראלי לחוות דעת מומחים, החל משנת 1999.

בנוסף, השתלם הרופא והמשפטן ד"ר שושני גם בקורס מגשרים במכון גבים. והוא משמש כיום כיועץ רפואי משפטי בכיר

חשוב לציין שהמשפטן והרופא דר' גדעון שושני , מסייע רבות  לא רק בתיקי רשלנות רפואית אלא גם בתיקי נזיקי גוף אחרים לרבות בתביעות לסיעוד, תביעות נכות כללית, תביעות לקבלת פטור ממס הכנסה, תביעות לקבלת קצבה לשירותים מיוחדים, תביעות ניידות,תביעות פוליו תביעות ביטוח לאומי, תביעות של תאונות שונות, תביעות בגין מחלות שונות וכו.. 

ד"ר שושני משמש במשרדנו יועץ משפטי רפואי בכיר בכל הקשור לתביעות רשלנות רפואית. תחום הרשלנות הרפואית הוא תחום רחב מאוד' ויש יתרון גדול לרופא בכיר שהוא גם משפטן נזקי גוף בניהול ובבניית תיקי רשלנות רפואית. המשפטן והרופא ד"ר שושני, מטפל במשרדנו בתביעות רשלנות רפואית כבר מהשלבים הראשונים. ד"ר שושני בקיא מאוד בכל התהליכים שמתרחשים בבתי החולים בכל הקשור לטיפול בחולים, והוא ער למקרים שבהם מתרחשת רשלנות רפואית. ד"ר שושני יודע לקחת את התיק הרפואי של החולה שנפגע מהמערכת הרפואית, לנתח ולמצוא את הכשלים שהיה בטיפול. ד"ר שושני יודע מהי הבטן הרכה של כל תיק רשלנות רפואית. דר' גדעון שושני הוא למעשה רופא שמתמחה במשפטים

חשוב לציין שד"ר שושני הוא משפטן ורופא בכיר מבוקש בכל הקשור לכתיבת חוות דעת רפואיות בתחום כירורגיית הילדים. גורמים רבים משחרים לפתחו ומבקשים שיכתוב עבורם חוות דעת בתחום בו הוא מתמחה, הן בשל העובדה שהוא רופא בכיר ובעל שם והן בשל העובדה שהוא גם משפטן לנזקי גוף. כשמגיע השלב שבו יש לחקור את המומחה על דוכן העדים, לד"ר שושני יש יתרון עצום, לאור העבודה שהזירה המשפטית אינה זרה לו. חשוב לציין למען הגילוי הנאות שבכל הקשור לכתיבת חוות דעת רפואיות, לרבות חוות דעת בגין רשלנויות רפואיות, ד"ר שושני הוא עצמאי ולא עושה זאת במסגרת השירותים המשפטיים שנותן משרדנו אלא כמשפטן ורופא עצמאי. (להרחבה נוספת בעניין רשלנויות רפואיות לחץ :זכויות נפגעי רשלנות רפואית

למעוניינים  מצורפת בזאת רשימה חלקית של  נסיון אקדמי, חברות באגודות שונות מאמרים ופרסומים שונים של המשפטן לנזקי גוף והרופא ד"ר גדעון שושני: 




List of Publications

Shoshany G. The results of kidney transplant as compared with hemodialysis. M.D. Thesis, Universita Statale di Milano, Milan 1974.

Original Papers
Basic Research
2. Bar-Maor JA, Shoshany G, Monies-Chass I.
Use of cimetidine in esophageal atresia with lower tracheo- esophageal fistula.
J Pediatr Surg. 16: 8-11, 1981 (15th Anniversary Issue).
3. Monies-Chass I, Bar-Maor JA, Shoshany G. Cimetidine and congenital tracheoesophageal fistula. Anesth Analg. 1983 Jun; 62(6): 620. PMID: 6846890; UI: 83202185
4. Etzioni A, Shoshany G, Zinder O, Diamant E, Bar-Maor JA.
Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in hypertrophic pyloric stenosis: an enigma.
Z Kinderchir 41: 272-274, 1986.
5. Bar-Maor JA, Sweed Y, Shoshany G.
Does the spleen regenerate after partial splenectomy in the dog?
J Pediatr Surg. 23: 128-129, 1988.
6. Shoshany G, Kimura K, Jaume J, Sherman H, Birnbaum E, Stein T and Levine J.
A staged approach to long-gap esophageal atresia employing a spiral myotomy and delayed reconstruction of the esophagus: an experimental study.
J. Pediatr. Surg. 23:1218-1221, 1988.
7. Levin J, Shoshany G, Davidson M, Kimura K.
Manometric variations following spiral myotomy for long-gap esophageal atresia.
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 10: 380-384, 1990.
8. Baruch Y, Amit T, Hertz P, Enat R, Shoshany G, Youdim M, Hochberg Z.
Growth hormone binding protein in partially hepatectomized rats.
Horm. Res. 40: 173-177, 1993
9. Tamar A, Hartman K, Shoshany G, Baruch B, Youdim M, Hochberg Z
The dynamics of growth hormone (GH)-Binding protein in relation to the turnover of GH and prolactin receptors in the rabbit and the rat.
Mol Cell Endocrin, 94:149-154, 1993.
10. Shoshany G, Har-Shai Y, Ramon I, Bar-Maor JA, Kimura K.
The isolated bowel segment: Angiographic visualisation of the developing vascularity.
Pediatr Surg Inter, 9: 261-263, 1993.
11. Shoshany G, Cohen E, Mordohovich D, Hayari L, Har-Shai Y, Bar-Maor JA.
The isolated bowel segment (IBS) created in animals by omentoenteropexy.
J Pediatr Surg, 29: 1344-1351, 1994.
12. Shoshany G, Pena A.
Evaluation of the AS-800 artificial sphincter as an eventual modality of treatment for fecal incontinence in pigs.
It. J. Ped Surg. Sci. 8: 67-69, 1994
13. Shoshany G, Diamond E, Mordechovitz D, Bar-Maor JA
Jejunal mucosal function of the isolated bowel segment created by omentoenteropexy in dogs: a study by in situ luminal perfusion.
J. Pediatr. Surg. 30: 402-405, 1995
14. Shoshany G, Lichtig M, Mordechovitz D et al.
Preserved viability of the isolated bowel segment, created by omentoenteropexy: an histological observation.
J Pediatr Surg 30: 1291-1293, 1995
15. Baruch Y, Shoshany G, Neufeld G et al.
Basic fibrolast growth factor is hepatotrophic for rat liver in regeneration.
J. of Hepatology 23: 328-332, 1995
16. Shoshany G, Shofti R, Livne E et al
Testicular neovascularization by “omentotesticulopexy”: A possible adjuvant in the surgical correction of high undescended testes.
J. Pediatr. Surg. 31: 122901232, 1996
17. Baruch Y, Amit T, Hertz P, Enat R, Shoshay G, Youdin MB, Hochberg Z.
Growth hormone-binding protein in partially hepatectomized rats.
Horm Res. 1998; 40(5-6): 173-7
PMID: 7509308; UI: 94156318
18. Veitzman E, Shenkar L, Shoshany G, Kasinetz L, Gershoni-Baruch R, Brill, Zamir R,
Baruch Y.
Detection of transplanted hepatocytes by PCR analysis of the Sry Domain of The Y - chromosone. Transplant Proceed. 32: 721-3, 2000

19 PeretsA, Baruch Y, Weisbuch F, Shoshany G et al.
Enhancing the vascularization of three-dimensional porous alginate scaffolds by incorporating controlled release basic fibroblast growth factor microspheres.
J Biomed Mater Res. Jun 15;65A(4):489-97. 2003
20 Hayari L, Hersko D, Shoshany H, Maor R, and Shoshany G.
Omentopexy improves vascularistiol and decreases stricture formation of esophageal
Anastomosis in dog model. J. ped. Surgery 39:540-544, 2004
21.Sani-Peretz H. Tsiperson V, Shoshany G et al.
hVEGF increasrs survival of transplanted hepatocites within portal radicles:suggested mechanism for early cell engraftment. Cell transpl 14:49-57 , 2005
22. Tsiperson V, Goldshmidt O, Ilan N, Shoshany G, Vlodavsky I et al
Heparanase enhances early hepatocite inclusion in the recepient liver after transplantation in . partially hepatectomized rats
Tissue Eng. 2007

Clinical Research
23. Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA.
Esophageal atresia.
Harefuah 96: 276-278, 1979 (in Hebrew).
24 Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA.
Percutaneous catheterization of scalp veins in sick surgical infants.
Z Kinderchir 27: 277-279, 1979
25. Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA.
Safe immobilization of extremities for I.V. fluid administration in infants.
Surg Gynecol Obstet 161: 458-486, 1969 (reprinted in Year Book
of Pediatrics, Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago/London, 1987, pp. 210-211).
26. Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA.
Meconium peritonitis.
Harefuah 106: 404-406, 1984 (in Hebrew)
27. Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA.
Preservation of the spleen after injury and in Gaucher's disease: a continuous challenge.
Harefuah 108: 16-17, 1985 (in Hebrew)
28. Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA, Aloufy A.
Ingestion of button batteries by children: the conservative approach.
Harefuah 108: 183-185, 1985 (in Hebrew)
29. Bar-Maor JA, Shoshany G.
Technique of covering the raw surface of the spleen after partial splenectomy.
Z Kinderchir 40: 176-177, 1985.
30. Argov S, Shoshany G.
A new treatment of an old ulcer: partial cell vagotomy, the treatment of choice in complicated duodenal ulcer: follow-up of 1-7 years of 101 patients.
Harefuah 108: 273-274, 1985 (in Hebrew).
31. Tadmor CS, Bar-Maor JA, Birkhan J, Shoshany G, Hofman I.
Pediatric surgery: a preventive approach.
J Prev Psychiatry 3: 365-392, 1987.
32. Bar-Maor JA, Shoshany G, Sweed Y.
Wide-gap esophageal atresia: a new method to elongate the upper pouch.
J Pediatr Surg 24: 882-883, 1989.
33. Bar-Maor JA, Tadmor CS, Birkhan J, Shoshany G.
Effective psychological and/or "pharmacological" preparation for elective pediatric surgery can reduce stress.
Pediatr Surg Intern 4: 273-276, 1989.
34. Goldstein I, Shoshany G, Sweed Y, Feldman I, Zimmerman E.
Prenatal ultrasonic evaluation of small-bowel atresia.
The Fetus 1: 5, 1991.
35. Katz Y, Shoshany G.
Intraoperative assessment of blood flow to strangulated stomach by pulse oximetry.
J Pediatr Surg 27: 509-510, 1991.
36. Bar-Maor JA, Sweed Y, Shoshany G, Kleinhaus U.
The use of endotracheal tubes to assist in manipulation of esophageal strictures in elongation of the esophagus in esophageal atresia, and in gastro-jejunal feeding tube placement, through a gastrostomy.
J Pediatr Surg 27: 652-653, 1992.
37. Sweed Y, Bar-Maor JA, Shoshany G.
Insertion of a soft silastic nasogastric tube at operation for esophageal atresia, a new technical method.
J Pediatr Surg 77: 650-651, 1992.
38. Goldstein I, Jakobi P, Shoshany G, Filmer S, Izthkovitz I, Bar-Maor JA.
Late onset isolated cystic hygroma: the obstetric significance, management and outcome.
Prenat. Diag. 14: 757-761, 1994
39. Bar-Maor JA, Shoshany G.
Traumatic repture of the choledochus, treated temporarily by Roux-en-Y entero-hepato- duodenal ligamentostomy.
J. Pediatr. Surg., 29: 1578-1579, 1994.
40. Shoshany G, Segal A, Bialik V, Bar-Joseph G.
Abdominal myonecrosis in a patient with cyclic neutropenia induced by clostridium : . septicum
Ped. Surg Inter. 10175-176 ,1994

41 Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA
Missed esophageal duplication in a patient with esophageal atresia and TEF.
Ped. Surg. Intern 10: 430-431, 1995
42. Shoshany G, Ben-Arie J, Hayari L, Assalia A.
Benign lipomatosis of the perineum presenting as a perianal abscess.
Ped Surg Inter 10: 379-380, 1995
43. Shoshany G, Gottfried E, Bar-Maor JA.
Accessory scrotum and anorectal malformation associated with "pseudo" Prune Belly in a neonate.
J. of Perinatology 16: 3 Pt 1: 224-6, 1996

44. Postovsky S, Linn S, Dinkin M, Futerman B, Shoshany G, et al.
Obstructions of central venous catheters in pediatric cancer patients: comparison of Port-a-
Cath versus Broviac.
Austr-Asian Journal of Cancer.1:7-12,2000
45. Nesher N, Wolf T, Uretzky G, Oppenheim-Eden A, Yussim E, Kushnir I, Shoshany G,
Rosenberg B, Berant M.
A novel thermoregulatory system maintains perioperative normothermia in children
Undergoing elective surgery
Paediatr Anaesth. 2001;11(5):555-60.
46 Postovsky S., Arush MW., Diamond E., Elhasid R., Shoshani G., Shamir R.
The prevalence of low selenium levels in newly diagnosed pediatric cancer patients.
Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 20 (4):273-80, 2003
47. Belizon A, Levitt MA, Shoshany G, Rodriguesz G, Pena A.
Rectal Prolapse following posterior sagittal anorectoplasty for anorectal malformations
J. ped surgery in press 2004.

48. Soudack M , Epelman M , Haiari L , ShoshanY G et al
Experience with focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) in 313 pediatric patients.
J.Clin Ultasound, 32 53-61 , 2004

Case Reports

49. Bar-Maor JA, Shoshany G, Halperin M, Etzioni A.
Tubular duplication of the jejunum and ileum lined entirely by gastric mucosa.
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 4: 303-306, 1985.
50. Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA.
Stricture of esophagus due to cartilaginous remnants (two cases).
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 5: 977-979, 1976.
51. Bar-Maor JA, Sweed Y, Shoshany G.
Resection of primary liver tumors in children.
Harefuah 114: 594-598, 1988 (in Hebrew).
52. Makhoul IR, Shoshany G, Smolkin T, Epelman M, Sujov P.
Transient mega-esophagus in a neonate with congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
European Radiology 11: 867-69, 2001
53. Goldstein I, Shoshany G, et all: Prenatal diagnosis of congenital mesoblastic nephroma.
Ultrasaund in Obstetrics and Gyn. 19: 209-211 2002
54 Hadary A, Dinay Y, Shoshany G, Cozakov JC. Acute intermittent porphyria associated with t hypoganglionosis in a young adult Gut.55(4):581-2 2006
55 Mahul IR, Shoshany Gershoni-Baruch R. Hardak B,Gaitini D. Accessory male . pseudogenitalia J Pediatr 149(2):278 2006
56. Shoshany G. Ocopnic M. and Vatian A
Esophageal and gastric perforation caused by invasive candidiasis. (submitted) 2007.

Articles in preparation

1. Shoshany G. Vazian A.
Predictive factors of conservative management failure of apendiceal masses.

2. Shoshany G. Galamidi Z
Amyand’s hernia: Preoperative ultrasonographic diagnosis in a neonate (submitted)

3. Shoshany G. Magen D, Hayari L,
Laproscopic insertion of Tenkoff catheter following multiple laparatomies in children
4. Shoshany G, And Vatzian A,
A new device for frenulotomy no intubation and no assistant needed.(Patent pending-and submitted)

5. Large gap esophageal atresia – preservation of the native esophagus.

Abstracts - Letters - Proceedings - Books
1. Monies-Chass I, Bar-Maor JA, Shoshany G.
Cimetidine and congenital tracheoesophageal fistula.
Anesth Analg. 62: 620, 1983.
2. Bar-Maor JA, Shoshany G, Barkey RJ.
Prolaktin-Bindung, histologic und spermatogenese bei ein und doppelseitigen Kryptorchidismus der Ratte: Einfluss von Orchidopexie und Prolaktin-Behandlung.
Chapter in "Maldescensus Testis" in Paediatrie Aktuell 1, by Schier and J. Waldschmidt, W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag, Munchen San Francisco, 1990.
3. Shoshany G.
Motility studies of the spirally myotomized esophagus in an animal model.
Kurzfassung: Sudosteuropaeisches Symposium fur Kinderchirurgie by L.T. Sauer und A. Haberlik. Milupa GmbH, Puch, 1989.
4. Baruch Y, Amit T, Shoshany G, et al.
The role of the liver in determining serum GH binding protein.
J Hepatol (suppl. 1: S65), 1992.
5. Ben Haroosh M, Rosenthal J, Ben Arie J, Sweed Y, Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA, Robinson
Burkitt's Lymphoma(BL) in childhood, The Northern Israel Cancer Center experience 1970- 1992.
Medical and Pediatric oncology 21: 589 1993.
6. Y. Baruch, A. Krasik, G. Shoshany et al. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) promotes parenchymal liver cell growth in vivo. EASL 1998
7. Baruch Y, Krasik A, Shoshany G, at all. Vascular endohelial growth factor (VEGF)
promotes in patenchimal liver cell growth in vivo.EASL, Lisbon April 1998.
8. Perets A, Cohen S, Wiesbuch F, Shenkar L, Shoshany G, at all. Vascular growth factors
enhance scaffolds angiogenesis as a first step before hepatocyte transplantation AASLD,
Dallas Nov 2001.
9 Shani H, Tsiperson V, Shoshany G, at all The effct of VEGF on hepatocyte engraftment
after intrasplenic cell transplamtation in the rat. EASL Madrid, April 2002. .

Active Participation in International Congresses
1. Fourth Annual Symposium on Pediatric Endocrinology, Tel-Aviv,
Israel, May 1984: Opposite changes in prolactin binding to the testes of unilaterally vs. bilaterally cryptorchid rats: effects of orchidopexy and prolactin treatment.
2 13rd World Congress of the Israel Medical Association,
Pediatric Surgery Section, Jerusalem, Israel, May 1985:
Congenital stenosis of the esophagus due to tracheobronchial remnants: a missed diagnosis.
3. 13rd World Congress of the Israel Medical Association, Pediatric Surgery Section, Jerusalem, Israel, May 1985: Technique of covering the raw surface of the spleen after partial splenectomy.
4. 13rd World Congress of the Israel Medical Association, Hematology and Blood Transfusion Section, Jerusalem, Israel, May 1985: Partial splenectomy in Gaucher's disease.
5. 4th World Congress on Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel, June 1985: Preservation of the spleen after blunt abdominal injury in children (Poster presentation).
6. Annual meeting of the American Federation of Clinical research, Eastern Section, New York City, October 1987: Functional studies in an isolated bowel segment.
7. Annual meeting of American Pediatric Surgery Association, Tucson, Arizona, May 1988: A staged approach to long-gap esophageal atresia employing a spiral myotomy and delayed reconstruction of the esophagus: an experimental study.
8. 4th South-East European Symposium of Pediatric Surgery, Graz, Austria, September 1989: Manometric variations following spiral myotomy for long-gap esophageal atresia.
9. 5th International Pediatric Surgical Research Workshop, Ferrara, Italy, May 1992: Isolated bowel segment (IBS) visualisation of the developing vasculature.
10. 5th International Pediatric Surgical Research Workshop, Ferrara, Italy, May 1992: Evaluation of the AS-800 artificial sphincter as an eventual modality of treatment for fecal incontinence in pigs.
11. 41st Annual International Conference of the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
1994: Jejunal mucosal function of the isolated bowel segment created by omentoenteropexy in dogs: a study by in situ luminal perfusion

Conference Proceedings
1. Shoshany G, Barkey RJ, Bar-Maor JA, Fisher M.
Opposite changes in prolactin (PRL) binding to the testes of unilaterally vs. bilaterally cryptorchid rats: effects of PRL treatment.
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on Pediatric Endocrinology, Tel-Aviv, May 1984.
2. Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA.
Congenital stenosis of the esophagus due to tracheobronchial remnants: a missed diagnosis.
Proceedings of the 13rd World Congress of the Israel Medical Association, Jerusalem, May 1985.
3. Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA.
Technique of covering the raw surface of the spleen after partial splenectomy.
Proceedings of the 13rd World Congress of the Israel Medical Association, Jerusalem, May 1985.
4. Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA.
Parital splenectomy in Gaucher's disease.
Proceedings of the 13rd World Congress of the Israel Medical Association, Jerusalem, May 1985.
5. Tadmor CS, Birkhan J, Bar-Maor JA, Shoshany G.
Effective psychological preparation in elective pediatric surgery can reduce stress.
Proceedings of the 13rd World Congress of the Israel Medical Association, Jerusalem, May 1985.
6. Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA.
Preservation of the spleen after blunt abdominal injury in children.
Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Jerusalem, June 1985.
7. Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA.
Conservative approach to the injured spleen with special attention to partial splenectomy.
Proceedings of the 8th Congress Pediatrico-Chirurgicus Hungaricus, Miskolc, Hungary, July 1985.
8. Sweed Y, Shoshany G, Kedar A, Bar-Maor JA.
Abdominal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in childhood: review of 19 cases.
Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of the Collegium Internationale Chirurgiae Digestive (CICD), Jerusalem, August/September 1986.
9. Tadmor CS, Birkhan J, Bar-Maor JA, Shoshany G.
Effective psychological preparation in elective pediatric surgery can reduce stress.
Proceedings of the 34th Annual International Congress of the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, Dublin, July 1987.
10. Bar-Maor JA, Sweed Y, Shoshany G.
Does the spleen regenerate after partial splenectomy?
Proceedings of the 32nd World Congress of Surgery, Sydney, Australia, September 1987.
11. Tadmor CS, Birkhan J, Bar-Maor JA, Shoshany G.
Effective psychological preparation in elective pediatric surgery can reduce stress (video presentation).
Proceedings of the 32nd World Congress of Surgery, Sydney, Australia, September 1987.
12. Jaume J, Kimura K, Shoshany G, et al.
Functional studies in an isolated bowel segment.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Federation of Clinical Research, Eastern Section, New York, October 1987.
13. Shoshany G, Kimura K, Jaume J, et al.
A staged approach to long-gap esophageal atresia employing a spiral myotomy and delayed reconstruction of the esophagus: an experimental study.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Pediatric Surgery Association, Tucson, Arizona, May 1988.
14. Shoshany G, Kimura K, Jaume J.
Functional studies in an isolated bowel segment.
Proceedings of the Annual Congress of the Israel Surgical Society, Tiberias, November 1988.
15. Shoshany G, Bar-Maor JA, Barkey RJ.
Testicular prolactin binding, histology and spermatogenes in rat unilateral and bilateral cryptorchidism: effects of orchidopexy and prolactin treatment.
Proceedings of the 3rd Steiglitzer, Kinderchirurgisches Symposium, Berlin, December 1988.
16. Shoshany G, Kimura K, Levin I.
Motility studies of the spirally myotomized esophagus in an animal model.
Proceedings of the 4th Southeast European Symposium of Paediatric Surgery, Graz, Austria, September 1989.
17. Shoshany G, Ramon I, Har-Shai Y.
Demonstration of the vascular bed that develops between an isolated colonic patch graft and the abdominal wall.
Proceedings of the Annual Congress of the Israeli Surgical Society, Haifa, September 1990.
18. Shoshany G.
Our experience with the repair of anorectal malformations by the posterior sagital approach.
Proceedings of the Annual Congress of the Israeli Surgical Society, Jerusalem, 1992.
19. Goldstein I, Shoshany G, Jacobi P.
Isolated cystic hygroma: significance, management and outcome.
Proceedings of the World Congress of Ultrasound Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bonn, Germany, July 1992.
20. Baruch Y, Amit T, Shoshany G, et al.
The role of the liver in determining serum GH binding protein.
Presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, Vienna, August 1992.
21. Ben Haroosh M, Rosenthal J, Shoshany G, et al.
Burkitt's Lymphoma in childhood the Northern Israel Cancer
Center experience Presented at the SIOP XXV Meeting 1993.
22. Shoshany G, Cohen E, Mordechovich D et al.
The isolated bowel segment (IBS) created in animals by omentoenteropexy.
Proceedings of the Annual Congress of the Israeli Surgical Society, Tel-Aviv 1994
23. Shoshany G, Diamond E, Mordechovich D et al.
Jejunal mucosal function of the isolated bowel segment, created by omentoenteropexy in dogs: a study by in situ luminal perfusion.
Proceedings of the 41st Annual International Conference of the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, Rotterdam 1994.
24. Kassis E, Hayari L, Shoshany G.
Dilate rupture of liver after blunt abdominal injury in a child-a rare event, and review
Of literature.
Presented at the National Meeting in the memory of Prof. D. Erlich-Haifa, October 1998.
25. Hayari L, Ben Harush M, Shoshany G.
Local dissemination of hepato-cellular Ca after FNA in a child
Pediatric Surgery, Oncology Conference, Jerusalem 1998.
26. Nesher N, Shoshany G. et al
Presented af the Annual Meeting of the Americhn socity of Anosiologist, Dallas Texss.
USA October 1999.
27. Hayari L, Shoshany G, at all Improved vascularization of esophagal anastomosis by
omentopexy in dogs. Presented at the PAPS, WFAPS, Kyoto, Japan April 2001.
28. Belizon A, Levitt MA, Shoshany G, Rodriguesz G, Pena A.
Rectal Prolapse following posterior sagittal anorectoplasty for anorectal malformations

Presnted at the Annual Meeting of APSA Maimi Florida March 2004.