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Israeli lawyers’ office, specializing in tort law and personal injury

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The notary and lawyers’ office of Gil Goldraich in Israel, specializes in torts law, focusing on corporal damages. The office represents people injured in accidents and other incidents. The lawyers are specialists in torts and corporal damages laws, injuries, disabilities, trauma and any other corporal damage, from whatever reasons.
Usually as a lawyers’ firm we usually collect our fees from our clients only at the end of the case. Usually the fees collected by us are based on a percentage of the sum awarded to the client, namely it is based on
the extent of our success in dealing with the cases. 
The following is a summary of torts issues our office specializes in:

Road accidents
Road accident victims are entitled to damages from the vehicle’s insurance company for any damage caused them during a road accident, even if the person has no visible bruising such as scratches, wounds, subcutaneous hemorrhages (blue spots), bleeding, fractures etc. Complaints of headaches, backaches etc. also entail financial compensation. It is recommended to consult with a lawyers’ office specializing in road accidents or enlist the assistance of a road accidents specialist lawyer when preparing the claim. For additional details press here: rights of road traffic accidents victims.

Work accidents
Victims of industrial accidents or of professional illnesses are entitled to claim damages from the Institute of National Insurance, and usually also in claims against the employer and his insurance company, claiming accountability, or employers’ liability. It is recommended to consult with a lawyers’ office specializing in work accidents or enlist the assistance of an work accidents specialist when preparing the claim. For additional details press here: rights of work accidents victims.

Pupils or children accidents
Each pupil from the age of 6 to 18 is insured by a pupils’ personal insurance policy. This policy is valid even when the child is not at school, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in Israel and abroad. In many cases when a pupil is injured, additional entities may also be sued such as the school, the sports association, the local authority, the Ministry of Education, the Youth movement etc. It is recommended to consult with a lawyers’ office specializing in torts law or enlist the assistance of a torts specialist lawyer when preparing the claim. For additional details press here: rights of injured children.
Polio claims
By law, polio victims are entitled to a one-time bonus which may reach the sum of up to 140,000 NIS, as well as a monthly benefit of a few thousand shekels. This sum is in addition to other pensions awarded by the NII, including general disability benefit, special services benefit or mobility pension. Even polio victims of the disease in Israel (who became ill before or after the establishment of the State of Israel), are entitled both to the bonus and the pension, as well as victims who contracted the illness abroad, according to the Polio law. For further details on the issue of polio claims for those who became ill in Israel, press:
polio suits. For details on the rights of polio victims who became ill abroad, press: rights of polio victims from abroad.

Mobility claims
A mobility claim from the NII awards benefits to those with mobility impairments as a result of leg problems. Not all disabled people limited in their mobility (even if the injury relates to legs) are entitled to the mobility allowance. Only those people whose impairment is included in the closed list in the Mobility Agreement signed between the Ministry of Finance and the National Insurance Institute. 
Those entitled to the mobility allowance as defined by the ‘mobility constraints’. A mobility constrained person is a citizen with leg impairment included in the closed list of the Mobility Agreement, who, on the date of the presentation of the claim has reached retirement age. In addition, a mobility impaired person is required to suffer a limitation of minimal mobility of 40% if that person has a driving permit. If a mobility impaired person does not have a driving license, the degree of mobility impairment required to receive the mobility allowance is 60%. It should be mentioned that a mobility impaired person without a driving license, determined by the mobility medical committee to suffer an impairment of 60% or more, will be entitled to the monthly mobility allowance only if has an authorized driving person, to drive him. In claiming the mobility allowance, it is recommended to seek the help of a mobility specialist laywer. For more details press: Advice for obtaining the mobility allowance.

Army disability claims – claims against the Ministry of Defense
Soldiers (also reserve soldiers), policemen, people in the service of the Israel Prison Service and volunteers in the Israel Civil Guard are entitled to sue the Ministry of Defense for illnesses or injuries incurred as a result of and during their military service. It is usually recommended to seek assistance from a lawyer specializing in the Ministry of Defense or army disabilities. For additional details on suing the Ministry of Defense press: Rights of military disabled. 

Medical negligence
Over the past years hospital patients are no longer willing to keep silent in relation to negligent medical treatment. In many cases, those patients or their families are entitled to compensations obtained by means of medical negligence claims. In such claims it is recommended to seek the help of a lawyer specializing in medical negligence. For additional details, turn to the article and press: rights of medical negligence victims.

Victims of acts of hostility
Many victims of acts of hostility are not aware of their entitlement to support and compensation from the National Insurance Institute both for the period of their incapacitation close to the time of the event, and for the later period, if the victims have remained disabled (including mental disability). They may be recognized by the Victims of Hostility department at the NII as disabled due to hostilities and receive a significant monetary compensation. It is advisable to seek a specialist hostilities lawyer or one who specializes in the National Insurance Institute to realize these rights. For further details on claims for hostility or terror victims press: rights of hostility victims. 

Old age claims
most of the elderly do not receive their rights by law. An old age claim may be made against the NII according to the old age insurance law and often against insurance companies based on old age insurance policies. To advance such claims, it is recommended to use an old age claim specialist. Our office includes specialized lawyers for old age claims. For further details press: old age policy claims. 

Ships, boats and other marine accidents
The legal status of people injured by marine vehicles is often different than that of people injured on land. Their process of representation includes two types of specialties: 
a. A lawyer’s ability to hold the marine vehicle in Israel until the appropriate guarantees are provided.
The ability to deal legally with whatever corporal damages the claimant incurred...

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